March 28, 2013

:: List Character di Lostsaga

Trapped in another dimension Developer K sought out ways to make it home. He created V-Mech to go through the Time Gate and scout ahead before he arrived. Since Developer K couldn’t control V-Mech from the other side he bestowed upon it artificial intelligence. Little did Developer K know but V-Mech hungered for more, and so V-Mech will get what it wants.


Skill PictureSkill TypeKeysDescription
Weapon SkillWeapon Skill-SDBeam Slash:
Swipe with mechanical strength at your enemy breaking their guard and lifting them into the air.
Armor SkillArmor SkillASDWild Shot:
Auto-aim onto a target and fire many rounds at them. Press D to continuously shoot.
Helmet SkillHelm SkillA-DBeam Shield:
Protect your front with a shield that absorbs all attacks besides skills.
Trinket SkillTrinket SkillAS-Hyper Beam:
Shoot 3 electrical projectiles at your enemies. Press D rapidly to fire faster.

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